The lowther FAMILY

Stories from our Lowther family

Developing speakers since 1934 means we have a lot of very happy customers. Lowther speakers cross generations.

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A shot of the Lowther Acousta 115

What people are saying

We’re not just a speaker company. We’re not even just a speaker company with a history spanning 90 years. We’re a speaker company that’s home to a passionate audiophile community.

For us, business is personal and we want to give you that personal experience every step of the way, from the moment you first enquire right up until that speaker arrives in your home, and beyond.

I have never got such an authentic, natural and truthful reception...

Hello Martin, first of all I would like to thank you and Malcolm for the unprecedented hosting. Having been to many auditions, I have never got such an authentic, natural and truthful reception. I am still digesting this remarkable experience and my head is full of impressions and ideas... but I am sure that after the visit I will stick with “Lowther for life” even closer.  I imagine that Hegeman matched with Audio Tekne gear and master tapes played on Studer, also with some decent vinyls, will create a spectacle of truly epic proportions...

With the Almira the sound of live music is possible in your home.

Thank you for making a loudspeaker capable of delivering realistic sound. With the Almira the sound of live music is possible in your home.


I have just fitted the repaired units back into my Acousta cabinets.  I cannot believe the improvement!!  The old units must have deteriorated far more than I realised.  I now have clear transient bass, smooth mid range response and crystal clear treble with excellent presence in the overall sound stage.  Its a revelation! I can sit and listen to individual  instruments with incredible clarity.  I shall at last be able to enjoy my collection of Jazz CDs. without wincing every time there is a grating noise.

Many thanks for an excellent service and to Rosie for delivery and collection. If you ever need a testimonial or Lowther ambassador I’m your man!

Jaw dropping realism...

About 2 years ago I purchased a pair of PM7A's and have since mounted these units in a speaker of my own design. Together with a self built power amp I'm extremely happy with the result. In fact I find the realism jaw dropping.

Anthony Painter Hill
Over the years, we've owned many pairs of high-end speakers, but we both agree that Lowther speakers are unparalleled.

"My sister and I had the pleasure of visiting Martin and Malcolm for the day. They had been refurbishing an old Acousta Cabinet 115 that I was fortunate to purchase. I had originally taken them to Martin a few weeks ago, and after a bit of banter, Malcolm offered to revive them for me. I can honestly say they did not disappoint. The Acousta cabinets look amazing, especially with the addition of the DX3 drivers. The sound is fantastic, and they look even better with their new grill cloth.

While there, we also had the chance to listen to a pair of the new TP2 speakers that Malcolm had just finished preparing for the Ascot show. Those are seriously impressive speakers. If you have the space for them, I wouldn't hesitate to get a pair. Their appearance is stunning, and the craftsmanship that goes into all their speakers is simply superb. The attention to detail is faultless, and the sound quality is astonishing.

We were invited back to the listening room where we had the privilege to experience the Almira Speakers. Not only is their design top-notch, but their sound is also absolutely amazing. My sister was particularly impressed by the intricate detail and expansive soundstage they produced. I can tell she's a big fan, and I suspect she might own a pair one day.

We also had the opportunity to listen to the Acousta 117, and personally, they sounded perfect to me. The thought that I had a similar pair in my car, waiting to be taken home, made me even more excited. Over the years, we've owned many pairs of high-end speakers, but we both agree that Lowther speakers are unparalleled. I cannot express my gratitude to everyone at Lowther enough and look forward to our next visit."

They are all the speaker I will ever need....
I built my Acousta speakers in 1985 and during that time have used the older PM6A, later PM6C and PM7C. Tried other smaller speakers over the years but always returned to the Acoustas. Singing voice and laid back music sound so so good. Decided when I retired that I would build some fancy horn cabinet utilising the Lowther PM2A chassis speakers. Bought the drivers from Lowther and to 'bed in' them in I decided to fit them to my Acoustas till I got my new horns designed and made. This included moving the front panel forward, increasing the rear chamber for the larger deeper magnet, and altering the volume of the horn chamber and throat area to suit the new drivers. Wired them up switched them on and was immediately amazed at the sound, That was 8 years ago! Never did design the replacement, just kept playing music through my Acoustas with the PM2As - they are all the speaker I will ever need....

I built my Acousta speakers in 1985 and during that time have used the older PM6A, later PM6C and PM7C. Tried other smaller speakers over the years but always returned to the Acoustas. Singing voice and laid back music sound so so good. Decided when I retired that I would build some fancy horn cabinet utilising the Lowther PM2A chassis speakers. Bought the drivers from Lowther and  to 'bed in' them in I decided to fit them to my Acoustas till I got my new horns designed and made. This included moving the front panel forward, increasing  the rear chamber for the larger deeper magnet, and altering the volume of the horn chamber and throat area to suit the new drivers. Wired them up switched them on and was immediately amazed at the sound, That was 8 years ago! Never did design the replacement, just kept playing music through my Acoustas with the PM2As -  they are all the speaker I will ever need....

Paul Dunstall
You can now purchase a complete kit and build yourself!!! What are you waiting for???

I built my Mini Acouster speakers in 1982 from plans provided by Lowther. They have been in continuous service ever since and have undergone 2No drive unit upgrades to the current EX3's.

Back in the day, Lowther only supplied the plans. I had to source top quality plywood and spend many hours/days/weeks/months cutting all of the angles and gluing up with airtight joints. But I have never regretted it and they still perform as well today as the day they were completed. But what is this??? You can now purchase a complete kit and build yourself!!! What are you waiting for???

Go and get one and not only enjoy the building, but you will get to hear wonderful sound in your home...just like me!

Jeff Carter

A huge thank you to Martin and Malcolm for indulging me in my passion for Lowther Loudspeakers, and their hospitality and knowledge, a great way to spend a Sunday morning . If you have the remotest interest in Lowther Loudspeakers and Hi-Fi, book a slot and pay them a visit, you will not be disappointed, and so glad that you did. Once again thank you Martin and Malcolm.

EX4 Repair

Thank you Martin, amazing job indeed!!

Lowther Listening Room

You will not find any high pressure salesmen at Lowther. Everything is conducted in a professional, friendly, relaxed and unhurried manner.

I would urge others to make the effort and visit the Listening Room and experience for themselves the stunning sounds contained within.

Many thanks to Martin, Malcolm and Pete for a memorable visit and a wonderful pair of Silver PM2a drivers.

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Come and try it for yourself, and give your ears the gift of flawless sound.

Join us in our listening room in Northamptonshire or visit one of our exquisite retailers around the world.


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